Gay bar miami shooting

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White’s family explained he owned other businesses, including a tax consultant service called VBS Accounting on Liberty Road. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause you and we look forward to your support in the future.” Since at least Sunday, restaurant patrons have been met with a sign on the front door that reads “due to unfortunate events, RYMKS Bar & Grille will not be opening today. Teaon Everage, the CEO and Executive Chef at RYMKS Bar & Grille on East Pratt Street confirmed to WJZ that White was one of the owners of the restaurant but had no further comment. Medics pronounced him dead at the site of the shooting. READ MORE: Family of Ravens’ Jaylon Ferguson ‘Utterly Shocked,' Call His Death One Of ‘Darkest Moments In Our Lives’ He was found suffering from multiple gunshot wounds just after 4 a.m. BALTIMORE (WJZ) - The co-owner of a restaurant in Little Italy was found murdered along Lakeside Avenue in Northeast Baltimore on Father’s Day.īaltimore Police identified the victim as 40-year-old Trevor White.

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